- Audio/Video
Books by Tolkien
- French
- History of middle earth
- Lord of the rings
- Mr. Bliss
- Other works
- Silmarillion
- The children of Húrin
- The Father Christmas letters
The Hobbit
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- The Silmarillion
- Books on Tolkien
- Other
- Self published
Tolkien Lexicon (J.E.A. Tyler) – HB 2510
For those who want to know more about names, places etc. In Tolkien’s works. Dutch translation of Tolkien Lexicon by Tyler. Het Spectrum first printing 1980, hardback with dust jacket, 543 pages, 11,5 x 18,5 cm.
Book will be shipped as a packet.
Brieven – HB 1559
Dutch translation of Tolkien’s letters, as edited by Humphrey Carpenter and Christopher Tolkien. Hardback, 588 pages, from the series Hardback Tolkien with the large character “T”.
Large book, will be sent as a packet.
In de Ban van Tolkien – HB 1493
Small booklet in Dutch, 46 pages. Information on Tolkien, his work and the coming LotR movies.
Weight 37 grams.